I’m trying to tunnel to a machine on a private network. I can ssh
to one of the machines on the private network. My network is 10.4.0.x and the private network is 192.168.1.x.
I can ssh
to the tunnel machine and then ssh
to the destination machine from there without problems.
But I just want to tunnel from my machine directly to the destination. I am using this command but it is hanging. How do I specify the username of the machine I’m trying to access?
ssh -N -L localhost:22: bridge@
You can do it in two steps. The first command below sets up the port forwarding. The second command establishes an SSH session with the final destination machine.
First command:
ssh -N -L localhost:3306:destination:22 bridge-user@bridge-machine &
: don’t create an interactive login to bridge-machine, just connect and do the port forwarding.-L localhost:3306:destination:22
. Arrange that any network request received on port 22 on the local machine is forwarded, via this ssh session, and re-issued onbridge
. Sincebridge
can route todestination
, the re-issued request will work. We choose3306
because we need a port number that is not presently being used. We use22
as the destination because that is the well-known port for SSH.bridge-user@bridge-machine
– Since this SSH session terminates atbridge
, we needbridge
– run in the background so that we can issue the second command.
Second command:
ssh destination-user@localhost -p 3306
– Since the end-point of this connection isdestination
, we need credentials from there.@localhost
– We are actually connecting to the forward service established in step 1.-p 3306
– The command from step 1 arranged that any requests received onlocalhost:3306
will be re-issued frombridge
. So we treatlocalhost:3306
as a local alias fordestination:22