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Tag: amazon-ec2

PHP Code Is Not Executed For PHP 7.2 On Aws Ec2 Instance

I am trying to install php on aws ec2 instance. Since php 7.2 is not available, I used following commands to enable few repos as suggested in this Link sudo yum install epel-release sudo yum install sudo yum install yum-utils Then I enabled a remi repo to run using sudo yum-config-manager –enable remi-php72 Then I ran sudo yum install

Export Curl information to file using sed

I am trying to get a dns address using curl and I would like to use that dsn address to replace a word in a .js file. So the .js file contains a word “hostname” and I would like to replace that with the dns address fetched from curl so what I am trying to do is this. sed ‘s/hostname/curl

Could not run Ec2-server on port 80

I could run the server on port 8000 but when i try to use 80 with python runserver myip:80 I get: You don’t have permission to access that port. If I use sudo python runserver myip:80 I get: If I write python in the console I get version 3.5.5 and my env is activated. EDIT: Using sudo python3

Getting error as “initializing endpoint: Address already in use /” while installing JBoss AS7

Here I’ve installed JBoss AS 7.1 in AWS ec-2 linux instance. Please help before marking it as duplicate as many SO questions are already available but nothing helped me here. The server is running successfully It’s only accessible for http://localhost:8080 and from the other machines, here I want to access with instance public IP Yes the server log says But
