I have installed and started the MongoDB on EC2 Linux instance. How can I verify whether it is running or not? 1 way I got to know how to verify whether it is started or not is: By checking the contents of the file at /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log for a line reading: [initandlisten] waiting for connections on port which I have not
Tag: amazon-web-services
Shell: how to create a list variable from several args
I have shell script that runs a cli command with 3 or more args, i can’t specify in advance the number of args that will be passed to the script. i tried to replace Args=[$3,$4,….] by Args=[${@:3}] but the arguments are not comma-separated. Answer Change the value of IFS inside the command substitution and use $* instead of $@: The
EC2 Linux : Error:Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)
Few months back i have purchased AWS server and created one amazon linux instance(ec2-user) under its one year free subscription (t2-micro). I have been using instance for file input and output operation as well as server configuration via putty and filezilla as well. But recently when i tried connecting it via ppk file it showed me this error in filezilla
AWS Root Volume not booting
I went through some steps of adding a second partition on the Root volume. This is because the EBS is 50GB and the first partition only had 8GB allocated. So here are my steps I did: 1.) Detach Volume and attach it as a secondary to another instance. 2.) Use gdisk to create the second partition: 3.) Change FS to
Filesystem for a partition goes missing EC2 reboot
I created a d2.xlarge EC2 instance on AWS which returns the following output: The default /etc/fstab looks like this Now, I make an EXT4 filesystem for xvdc blkid returns a UID for the filesystem Then, I mount it on /mnt5 It gets succesfully mounted. Till there, the things work fine. Now, I reboot the machine(first stop it and then start
AWS EC2 – what’s the catch with “bill by hour” for server programs?
I can’t understand a very simple thing about amazon EC2 instances: suppose I have a simple C++ web server program listening to a port at all times (and serving small burst requests when they come).. how would on demand pricing work? In theory the application will be running 24/7 since the OS needs to be up and so does the
Scrapy KeyError in Linux Server but not on Windows
My Scrapy works just fine on my local machine, Windows. Then I try to run it on my AWS Linux server, but I got this Why is that? How can I run it on my Linux Server? Answer Suddenly solved and I confused myself. I solve it by updating all the requirements using pip install -r requirements.txt. I added Scrapy
How to create an AWS Ubuntu 12.04 x64 AMI from scratch? [closed]
Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question
aws cli cannot read from dynamodb docker container
i am running dynamodb on a docker container and am able to write to the table using python boto3, which is all fine and good. now when I query the dynamodb table from outside the container using aws CLI, its give this error and cannot find the table the name of the sqlite db created by dynamodb docker container is
How to create and run multiple ec2 instances with same configurations and software installed?
Fairly new to cloud computing, so bear with me if question is obvious or silly. With tons of information available on internet, I was able to successfully create an ec2 linux instance and installed R and Rstudio on it. Ran my scripts on it which went really well but took too long (16 hrs) and very expensive as well since