I’ve built an android kernel (source code), now I’m trying to cross-compile a kernel module for it, v4l2loopback to be precise. I’ve used this toolchain to build the kernel (kernel version is 4.9). Here on github you can see that someone actually succeeded in compiling the module, and I’ve been trying to replicate their success myself. But in the last
Tag: android-kernel
How do I debug Android native code into kernel?
I compiled goldfish kernel with: I started the AVD with the compiled kernel. emulator -kernel goldfish/arch/arm/boot/zImage -avd TestAVD I pushed a compiled c program onto AVD. And I downloaded the libs (I’m not sure if it’s the proper way) run gdbserver: forward port: run gdb specify the search directory: connect to device I breaked at, for example, close. I couln’d
How to I create a folder just like /data in arm Android devices?
I want to create a folder in android arm targets which will be like /data which has has read-write permission? I followed following steps in init.rc:- mkdir /home 0771 system system chown system system /home chmod 0771 /home After these commands folder created has following permissions : – drwxrwx–x system system 2012-01-01 00:42 home but when I Create folder in