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Tag: arm64

How to increase the size of memory region allocated with mmap()

I’m allocating memory using mmap Linux syscall. Is it possible to increase the size of allocated memory region preserving its start address and contents? How to do it properly? Answer On Linux, use the mremap(2) Linux-specific system call without MREMAP_MAYMOVE to extend the existing mapping, without considering the option of remapping those physical pages to a different virtual address where

gcc-7: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-m64’

I’m trying to compile C code on a Jetson Nano and I get this error during compiling. I tried removing any occurrence of ‘m -64’ but it seems like its added automatically. This is the cmd where it fails: /usr/bin/gcc-7 -Wall -Wextra -Wconversion -pedantic -Wshadow -m64 -Wfatal-errors -O0 -g -o CMakeFiles/dir/testCCompiler.c.o -c /home/user/dir/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/testCCompiler.c gcc-7: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-m64’

how to compile wxwidgets on aarch64 with neon disabled

I need to use a wxwidgets application on my rooted device running Ubuntu yakkety but when I compile with default settings and run it, this is what happens- What do I need to do to disable the neon specific code? Clarification This is not cross compiling. I am compiling wxwidgets on the device itself, i.e., on an aarch64 based system.
