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Tag: c++

What do these strace system calls mean?

I need to profile the performance of an application for which I am using strace. However, I do not really know how to interpret the various system calls the strace emits. Examples of a few of them are below: I would be grateful if someone could briefly explain in plain English what these lines from (A) to (F) really means

Change process name in Linux

I’m on Linux and I am forking/execing a new process out of my C spawn application. Is it possible to also change the naming of these new child processes? I want to be able to identify the process being started in case something goes wrong and I need to kill it manually. Currently they all have the same name. Answer

Problem in Timers and signal

I have implemented a POSIX timer using timer_create( ) API, and this will generate SIGUSR1 when the timer expires for which i have put a handler code. Now the problem is, if this program receives another SIGUSR1, then the same signal handler will be invoked and caught. Is there any way to prevent this, so that the handler can catch

C++/Assembly IDE on Linux [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations. Closed 4 years ago. Improve this question What I’m looking for is an IDE that will run on

Maximum values for time_t (struct timespec)

I am using the struct timespec structure and here it is: Thing is, user will be entering the values for each of these individual members, and i want to put a check a max. value the user can enter. Can I take the max. value of time_t as int max value? i.e INT_MAX for tv_sec and LONG_MAX (defined in limits.h)

mmap vs sbrk, performance comparison

Which of these calls is faster on average? I’ve heard that mmap is faster for smaller allocations but I haven’t heard a comparison of either. Any information on performance for these would be nice. Answer You should tag this with a particular implementation (like linux) since the answer surely varies by implementation. For now I’ll assume Linux since it’s the

How to send integer with pipe between two processes!

I am trying to send an integer with pipe in a POSIX system but write() function is working for sending string or character data. Is there any way to send integer with a pipe? Regards Answer The safe way is to use snprintf and strtol. But if you know both processes were created using the same version of compiler (for
