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Tag: centos

Install 64 bit CentOS on Vbox installed on 32 bit Windows 7 with 64 bit intel 3rd gen core i5 processor [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question

Nginx(proxy) + Apache: two process listening same port

I have two servers on CentOS: Nginx(proxy) + Apache. I need restart Nginx but if i try to test configuration before restart, i have next error: How i can solve this problem? Thanks! P.S. Nginx has listen port 80, apache listen 81. Answer I don’t know why this error has appeared, but after I made error has gone: I’ve tried

Backspace in zsh fails to work in quite the strange way

I’m on a fresh Virtualbox install of CentOS 6.4. After installing zsh 5.0.2 from source using ./configure –prefix=/usr && make && make install and setting it as the shell with chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh, everything is good. Then some time after, after installing python it seems, it starts acting strange. Happens with PuTTY and iTerm2 over SSH, does not happen on

Killing a screen without a specific session #

To create a screen, I am currently doing: That works perfectly, however killing it remotely with: Will reply with: This is due to the screen having {session#}.{screenname} It will work if done as: What solutions are possible? I’m not entirely sure that you can get the session# when you start the screen. This is all done remotely too. Answer I

Best way to install MySQL 5.6 on Centos 6.4

I just installed Centos 6.4, and installed MySQL using the version that came with the Centos distribution. To my dismay, it is MySQL 5.1.69 versus the current 5.6.12. As stated on, “the MySQL version will often be some way behind the currently available release”, but I didn’t expect that long. An alternative is to install by RPM packages which

how to unlimit the number of group for one user in centos4/5

If one user have more than 16 groups, it will cause that the groups don’t work for permission control. How to unlimited this number of groups per user in Centos4/5 ? Answer You can’t unlimit the additionnal groups per user. But you can raise the limit. Beware that most Unix systems are limited to 16 groups per user (see

Installing scrapy (openSSL)

I’m using scrapy for couple of months now. I’ve been using it on the couple of machines and never had trouble with it. I used it on Windows xp and 7, I also used it on arch linux and never had trouble installing. Pretty much it was only pip install scrapy and done. Now I’m trying to set it up
