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Tag: centos

compile error in VeridisBiometricSDK_5.0_Linux sample: MatchingExample

I try to use VeridisBiometricSDK_5.0_Linux which is free Biometric library which has samples I tired to compile MatchingExample by doing exactly what the Readme file said : make MatchingExample.cpp but I have this error result: To compile use: make For example: make AsyncCaptureExample The output will be generated in the bin folder. also this is the VeridisBiometricSDK_5.0 ReadMe file: 1

Why does my command fail when I check port occupancy? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question

SSH login between servers still asking for password, why?

I have two servers identified as server-1 – and server-2 – I am setting up capifony for automatic deployment from server-1 to server-2 and this is what I have done so far: In both servers I have created a user deploy without password since that’s the user I will use for deployment. In server-1 I setup a SSH

issue on import psutil inside python script

i’m not able to import psutil inside my scripts. But the library is installed on my machine. my library is inside this directory, on which there is also simplejson library: But if i create a script for example this: i get this errors: UPDATE launching pip install psutil i got this: Any ideas on how to resolve this error? Answer

Bash Brace Expansion in Systemd ExecStart

The following test is in CentOS 7.1. Create the following file test.service in /usr/lib/systemd/system/ and execute systemctl daemon-reload; systemctl restart test; systemctl status test -l There is no output of the value as the ${a} does not substitute as the word hello world, until it is changed echo ${a} into echo $a : Work echo $${a}: Work The $$ means

Setup Jupyter inside Fusion’s CentOS 7

I am trying to install Jupyter inside CentOS 7 VM (that I already had) so I can access it via port 8888 at my host Mac laptop. However, I cannot figure out the networking piece. I am changing the IP address to 200.100.x.x for convenience From Host Machine I have 2 adapters for that CentOS VM $ ifconfig gives me

Two different projects (different index.php’s) on same server

I’m trying to run two different php frameworks on the same server. The framework to use is determined by the first path in the uri. So for example: will go to the index.php located in: /var/www/html/api/api And everything else ( will go to the index.php located in: /var/www/html/api2/public Here is my apache 2.2 config: I’ve been attempting to do
