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Tag: conditional-statements

How does pthread_cond_wait (conditon variable) unblock all threads only once, not multiple times?

I have successfully implemented a producer thread and 2 worker threads or consumer threads. The producer thread broadcasts condition using pthread_cond_broadcast. And the worker threads are blocked by pthread_cond_wait. The code looks something likes this: Thread 1 (Producer Thread): Thread 2 (Worker/Consumer Thread): Thread 3 (Worker/Consumer Thread): My question is why does Thread 2 or Thread 3 does not re-execute

Check if a condition is false

It is seems to be an easy question, I wonder why googling didn’t give anything helpful — nor in StackOverflow, nor in tutorials. I just need to check using bash that a condition is false. Of what I found I tried and none of them print Hello. I found only two similar questions, but the end answer in both cases
