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Tag: cpu

understand sysstat sar memory output

I’m preparing for more traffic in the days to come, and I want to be sure server can handle it. Running sar -q, the load of “3.5” doesn’t seem much on 32 CPU architecture: However, I’m not sure about the memory. Running sar -r shows 98.5% for the %memused and only 13.60 for %commit: running htop seems OK too: 14.9G/126G.

definition of linux perf cache-misses event?

I am trying to use linux perf to profile cache performance. perf list shows there is a cache-misses event. However, what’s the definition of this “cache-misses” event? Is it one of L1D/L1i cache, L2 cache or L3 cache? Thanks! Answer The cache-misses event corresponds to the misses in the last level cache (LLC). Note that this is an architectural performance

Get hardware information from /proc filesytem in Linux

I use execv to run lshw command to get the CPU, disk, and memory in C code. But I would like to search another solution to get these information from /proc or any other existed data. Have any suggestion? Here is my code: Linux command: $ sudo lshw -short -c disk -c processor -c memory I have two questions: Where

Track down high CPU load average

Trying to understand what’s going on with my server. It’s a 2 cpu server, so: While on load avergae, queue is showing ~8 : So You can assume, load is really high and things are pailing up, there is some load on the system and it’s not just a spike. However, Looking at top cpu consumers: Results of free command:

Ada program works in Linux but not in GPS Windows 10

Thanks in advance for any help. I am currently doing some beginner work on ada programming and I have installed GNAT Programming Studio (GPS) from I have Windows 10 64-bits. I was given the following code at school: I opened the file in GPS, built it (no errors) and ran it but it doesn’t show any printed output. I

Time spends in CPU faster than in reality

I am wondering why my entire application runs in less than 8 seconds while the time obtained from clock_gettime is 19.3468 seconds which is more than two times as much as what happens in reality. Where is the problem from? Update: I am not using any OpenMP explicitly. Answer CLOCK_MONOTONIC should be used if you want to measure total elapsed
