I want to send a PING to Redis to check if the connection is working, now I could just install redis-cli, but I don’t want to and curl is already there. So how can I abuse curl to do that? Basically I need to turn off what’s send here: I was able to get rid of the User-Agent altogether by
Tag: curl
Specify output names on multiple files with curl using ranges
I am trying to download a few hundred URL’s and specify the output name for each, the only difference is an ID in the URL, such as ..something/1/something.., ..something/3/something.., ..something/4/something.. etc. I can use -o filename.zip but it will overwrite for each of the range of files, I am currently using: How can I output as this:? file1.zip, file3.zip, file4.zip,
“sh: line 1: Moved: command not found” installing npm with curl | sh
I attempted to install npm on mac OSX Yosemite with the command: And I received the following message: Any suggestions on how to resolve this issue? Answer You’re missing the curl -L option to follow redirects. However, you don’t need to use this installation method anymore, npm comes with node and if your distro happens to split node’s components up,
Extract section of xml from result of curl command on Linux
I am issuing the following command: Which returns xml that looks similar to this: What is the easiest way to extract an xml element from the response, e.g. the element “true”? Note, I want the complete opening tag, content, and closing tag (and the content may also be empty. Thanks Answer Would xmllint be an option for you as well?
Curl API and command line options to Authenticate with user name & password enabled https url
I am trying to authenticate against a HTTPS URL with “user name and password” using C-based curl API’s and curl command line arguments in linux (Fedora 14 curl 7.30.0 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.30.0 OpenSSL/1.0.0 zlib/1.2.5) ) platform. When I use the URL in the Mozilla web browser it prompts for the username, password once – after I press “OK” I am able
C strip html between
How can i strip the HTML from document between and including the <…> tags in a HTML document using C? My current program uses curl to get the contents of the webpage and puts it into a text file, it then reads from the text file and removes the <>, but i am unsure of how to remove everything between
cURL Simple File Upload – 417 Expectation Failed
I have a problem with a simple file upload post with cURL… I did it so many times but in this case I always get “417 Expectation Failed” from server. When I try to post with my browser it works 100% but with cURL not. That’s my configuration: My simple test form that works: here the image_upload.php: my cURL script