I have the following problem with my Gitlab Pipeline Setup. I recognized that in the bash there is shown “shell runner” but in the .yml file I used “tags: -docker”. If I re-run the job, sometimes it works and uses the right runner, but most of the time not. The is the bash output: Running with gitlab-runner 10.8.0 (079cad9e) on
Tag: gitlab-ci-runner
GitLab Ci Runner error ” bash: line 21: xcodebuild: command not found “
I hava a gitlab-ci service on Linux , here is the information I followed this tutorial https://about.gitlab.com/2016/03/10/setting-up-gitlab-ci-for-ios-projects/ , before the section How to trigger builds everything worked fine , the only different is the environment which is OS “El Capitan” and “Linux” . When I try git push then error appear , I have no idea hot to solve this