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Tag: hook

Hook and block globally mouse in X11

I need to hook globally mouse clicks and block last click if delay between two clicks is less than was set. I wrote it for windows using WM_MOUSE_LL hook. I was unable to find any solution for me. Is it even possible to globally block mouse click in X11 ? Windows full code Answer As far as I know the

Linux filesystem nesting and syscall hooking

Using 2.6.32 linux kernel, I need to use a specific filesystem on a block device partition and I wan’t to hook open/write/read/close (and few others) syscalls to read/write, in an other fashion that the specific filesystem, what should be written on this partition. It would be only for this partition, others partitions using this filesystem would act as usual. Fuse

How to slow all time measurements of a process?

I’d like to make an application believe that time is going faster/slower than real time. I.e. I need to make all the time measurement APIs return t0+dt*s with user-defined s when t0+dt is real time. This would affect anything like gettimeofday() as well as timer_gettime() and all related functions and mechanisms (including actual trigger times of timers). I think of
