I would like to ping a IP-Adress an want to be notified. System: Linux Fedora. Has anybody a idea or a Software? Answer Use this shell script. Found on http://jeromejaglale.com/doc/unix/shell_scripts/ping Put the ping in a loop or run the script with cron. Instead of echoing you can send a notification.
Tag: ip
ip route add by specifying source address in the same network
I have 4 pc´s and another pc, call it proxy, all being in the same network: . I can ping between each other. But, I want to separate them into 2. That is: pc1 is directly connected to pc2 pc3 is directly connected to pc4 But, all traffic from pc1 or pc2 to pc3 or pc4 has to go
How to add a name to namespace?
As I know, I can use the “clone” to create a process and a namespace, but the namespace created in this way has no name. For example, I create a network namespace with the parameter: CLONE_NEWNS, but in the command “ip netns list”, there is no namespace list because the namespace created has no name. But I can use the
Getting IP address from struct sockaddr doesn’t work for 32bit compilation
I have a small client/server app that sends/receives UDP discovery packets. When a UDP packet is received I want to display the source IP. The client/server code is based on the UDP example from Beej: https://beej.us/guide/bgnet/html/multi/clientserver.html When I compile for 64bit the IP is displayed as expected but when I compile for 32bit (-m32 option) it doesn’t get the right
Linux: retrieve per-interface sent/received packet counters (ethernet, ipv4, ipv6)
On Linux, how can I (programmatically) retrieve the following counters on a per-interface basis: Sent/received ethernet frames, Sent/received IPv4 packets, Sent/received IPv6 packets. Answer You should be able to do this using iptables rules and packet counters, e.g. And to view the stats, parse the output of these: You should also look up the -Z flag for when you want