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Tag: json

How to jq to copy array inside the dictionary?

I have the following json I want to convert it to How do I do this with jq? Answer The solution is the following: In the Command line: See: There is more documentation available at: Also see the hints below jqplay at the bottom.

Renaming JSON files based on their contents

I have loads of geographical json files with date_geohash.json name format and I have to convert them to date_latitude-longotude.json format. For example I need to convert 2017-03-28_u13hhyn.json to 2017-03-28_N52.76-E1.62.json.   I’m trying to write a bash script to rename these json files using ‘rename’ and ‘jq’ (json query) utilities. Using jq I can extract latitude and longitude from the json files.

jq to remove one of the duplicated objects

I have a json file like this: I tried: but this will remove all the duplicated items, I,m looking to keep just one of the duplicated items, to get the file like this: Answer With field1, I doubt you are getting anything in the output, since there is no key/field with the given name. If you simply change your command

jq array of hashes to csv

So I have a data source like this: I want to get output like this: Using a fake parameter seems like a hack and then needs to be clean up by sed to work. How do I do this with just jq. Answer Instead of trying to put literal newlines in your data, split the data into separate arrays (one

Ambari cluster + Service Auto Start Configuration by API

Ambari services can be configured to start automatically on system boot. Each service can be configured to start all components, masters and workers, or selectively. so how to enable all services in ambari cluster to start automatically on system boot by API ? Remark – by default all services are disabled Answer You may use auto-restart API, refer following document

JSON list (not object) to Bash array?

I’ve got a JSON list (the value of a key-value pair containing a list of items): [ “john”, “boris”, “joe”, “frank” ] How would I convert this to a bash array, so I can iterate over them? Answer Easy Case: Newline-Free Strings The simple approach is to use jq to transform your list into a line-per-item, and read that into

How to paste a custom linux stdout into a JSON with Python?

I’m a beginner in Python and I’m trying to write a script that will take in a unix stdout file and convert it into a JSON format file. The format of the file is the following on every line: The path can contain whitespaces and backslash characters, an example is: Now my problem is that if I use the split(“
