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Tag: kinect

What is Kinect + Linux being used for?

An article on Hackaday piqued my curiosity, and I see Kinect + Linux questions being asked here (mostly about configuration), so I’ll venture this question: It is clear to me that Kinect can be used together with Linux on a “regular pc” — but I can’t help wondering why, that is, what might you actually use this for? I don’t

How can I display .xed files in Linux?

Using Microsoft Kinect SDK 1.x, it is possible to record RGB-D video with Kinect Studio, and save those recordings in .xed files. Is there a way to open and view those recordings in a Linux-based distribution, such as Ubuntu? Answer XED files are based on a proprietary format, and up to my knowledge there are no “players” for this format,

Does libfreenect2 support Kinect v2

I have to work with the Kinect v2 in Linux for a project and am searching for compatible libraries. It is unclear as to whether the Open Kinect project has cracked the Kinect v2 yet. Answer Yes, this library is for the kinect v2. This library (libfreenect2) does not work with the older kinect (360) for which you would use
