I’ve noticed a weird parsing problem with ravendb’s python client. when i use this query knowing that url = “http://www.mywebsite.net/” The relevent part of the error stack is the following : BUT if I simply add a simple ‘ ‘ to the url parameter in the query, it works without any parsing error (but dosent returns a result though since
Tag: lucene
How to solve the ‘Lock obtain timed out’ when using Solr plainly?
I have two cores for our Solr system (Solr version 3.6.1). When I invoke the following command line on our dedicated Solr server to add and then index a file: I get an exception in /usr/share/tomcat7/logs/solr.2013-12-11.log file (after about 6 minutes of waiting): (You can see the detailed output of it at the end of this message). I tried to