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Tag: memory-management

Is there a different memory allocation path other than the buddy allocator in linux?

I’m understanding memory allocation in Linux and doing some changes in buddy allocator (__alloc_pages_nodemask) for my experiments. I create a new flag in struct page->flags (by adding a new flag in enum pageflags in page-flags.h. I set this bit permanently in __alloc_pages_nodemask (to not to be cleared once set and survive all further allocation and freeing. I modify PAGE_FLAGS_CHECK_AT_PREP to

Code works logically on macOS but not on Ubuntu 16.04.5

I have a task to write the function: int read_palindrome(); // input comes from stdin which will read one line from standard input and returns 1 if the line is a palindrome and 0 otherwise. A line is terminated by the newline character (ā€™nā€™) and the does not include the newline. There are requirements to be met: There is no

DMA Engine Timeout and DMA Memory Mapping

I am trying to use a Linux DMA driver. Currently, when I send the transaction out and begin waiting, my request times out. I believe this has to do with the way I am setting up my buffers when I am performing DMA Mapping. In Xilinx’s DMA driver, they take special care to look at memory alignment. In particular, they

What is contained in code/internal sections of JCMD?

Dimensioning a docker container for a JVM based service is tricky (as we all know). I’m pretty sure we have slightly under-dimensioned a container and want to clear up a few questions I have relating to specific jcmd (Native Memory Tracker) outputs that we see when monitoring. Questions: Are Direct Byte Buffers included in “Internal” as reported by jcmd? What

Linux page table of the process

I’m reading about the memory paging here and now trying to experiment with it. I wrote a simple assembly program for getting Segmentation Fault and ran in gdb. Here it is: I assemble and link this into a 64-bit ELF static executable. As far as I read each process has its own Page Table which cr3 register points to. Now
