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Tag: networking

Multiple ip on same interface in Docker container

Is that possible to have multiple IPs on eth0 in a Docker container? I would like having 5 IPs on eth0 in a Docker container interface. I am using “ip” utility. Executing ip address add dev eth0 in the container give “Operation not permited. I tried manually log to the container as root user using “sudo exec -u root

How to resolve “setsockopt(3, SOL_SOCKET, SO_MARK, [10], 4) = -1 EPERM” Operation denied for none root users

I got two network interfaces (ethernet and wlan). Now I found a little script on github ( which seems to allow me to route specific applications through the none default gateway to loadbalance the traffic a little bit. The script is using the following call: setsockopt(sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_MARK, &mark, sizeof(mark)); As I found out via an strace I got: ‘-1

What configuration settings need to be done to fix Apache – MongoDB connectivity issues caused by SE Linux?

I have Apache 2.4 running on CentOS 7. SE Linux is enabled. The application uses Laravel (Lumen), and connects to MongoDB on another server. All our servers are in Google cloud.The applications fails to load the web page and lumen.log has errors like this lumen.ERROR: MongoDBDriverExceptionConnectionTimeoutException: No suitable servers found (serverSelectionTryOnceset): [Failed to resolve ‘mongo.***.***’] in /var/www/***/vendor/mongodb/mongodb/src/Collection.php:612 If SE Linux

My newly compiled kernel loses Networking in qemu

I compiled a kernel from source : make defconfig make kvmconfig make -j 4 After this , i use the resulting bzImage for my qemu command: qemu-system-x86_64 -hda debian.img -kernel bzImage -append “root=/dev/sda console=ttyS0” -nographic -m 4096 -smp 2 –enable-kvm -net user,hostfwd=tcp::10021-:22 -net nic It mounts, and I get a shell and everything, but it loses connectivity. In qemu, it
