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Tag: pts

Read noonnamed pipe in terminal

Hellow. I have very simple C program. I create pipe in program (standard, non-named). Can I read pipe of existing process in terminal (stream with > or cat?). I try it but my command do nothing. Im know tkat i can create named pipe who is very easy for external I/O. I have number of pipe for /proc/number/fd Why I

Execute a command in another terminal via /dev/pts

I have a terminal that uses STDIN 3 (/proc/xxxx/fd/0 -> /dev/pts/3) So if (in another terminal) I do: The command is shown in my first (pts/3) terminal, but the command is not executed. And if (in this terminal pts/3) I’m in a program waiting for some data from stdin, the data is written on screen but the program does not
