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Tag: python-3.5

os.walk different folder ordering on Mac and Linux?

Given the following file structure, I’m wondering if it’s possible that python’s os.walk function returns the folders in different orders on Mac and Linux? Both are using python 3.5. Mac: On Linux: In the case of Mac, looks as though the folder v1 is encountered first, while on Linux it’s v2. Any insight as to why this might be the

python3 import error: while running with sudo -u python3

For my python script I need to change the user. Therefore I start the script with: sudo -u eval python3 run_aufgabe2.pythere is no problem running the script until I import modules from the same directory, then I get an import-error: Running the script without sudo -u eval, the import is working and the script is running without errors. I first

Python program executable for windows

I have Linux installed and Python 3.5. The program itself is made in Linux but i need to make it executable in windows. I cant see any program that can do this for python 3.5. Please give me some working option. pyinstaller, cx_freeze and py2exe dont work with 3.5 After fighting with depends for some time i got it here:

Move python folder on linux

I have compiled python sources with the –prefix option. After running make install the binaries are copied to a folder of my account’s home directory. I needed to rename this folder but when I use pip after the renaming it says that it can’t find the python interpreter. It shows an absolute path to the previous path (before renaming). Using
