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Tag: sh

bash extract version string & convert to version dot

I want to extract version string (1_4_5) from my-app-1_4_5.img and then convert into dot version (1.4.5) without filename. Version string will have three (1_4_5) or four (1_4_5_7) segments. Have this one liner working ls my-app-1_4_5.img | cut -d’-‘ -f 3 | cut -d’.’ -f 1 | tr _ . Would like to know if there is any better way rather

How to run a file in variable

I want to run this command: ././pscan `cat ips` 22 but the script don’t run corectly and i want to run command e.g: ././pscan 1.1 22 ././pscan 2.2 22 ././pscan 3.3 22 ././pscan 4.4 22 ././pscan 5.5 22 the script pscan works perfectly when i type on single command ././pscan 1.1 22 and i want to run more than 5.5

Changing contents of a tsx file through shell script

I have a requirement to change the contents of config.tsx file that contains values like: I want to change this content using a shell script and save the file. Changed content can look like: How can I do this? Answer This should work: The -i option will edit the file in place. If you first want to try the command

grep a file to read a key:value

I have a file file.txt which has various key:value pairs. While reading a particular value from file, more than one lines are printed. Please help me in correcting my logic below. INPUT_FILE DESIRED_OUTPUT 1234_12345678_987 MY_CODE cat file.txt | grep -w 1234-A0 | cut -f2 -d ‘:’ OUTPUT 1234-A0;5678-B0;3456-C0 1234_12345678_987 Please let me know what’s wrong in the above command (?)

How to run jar files sequentially from a shell script

I am trying to run two java application one after other in my docker container. In my dockerfile i have specified as the entry point. ENTRYPOINT [“sh”, “/opt/”] Then i use this script to run two jar files. but this does not work. It gives Error: Unable to access jarfile javaimpl-loader.jar and only the service.jar is executed. When i

Unable to get the absolute value of command output

So I wanted to make a simple script to keep checking the CPU temperature of my RasPi, which is stored in /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp , and hence cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp would give the temp, but like this : which essentially means 38.459 degree Celsius. I was unable to format the output to get 38.594 °C My code: The error I get: Thanks Answer

Shell : create and assign variables inside for loop

i ve this shell script ; it’s a loop which set in the variable “a” each time result : My Purpose is how to change “a” by a dynamic variable name which be $item_MYPREFIX (concatination :$item + _MYPREFIX ) So that my code would be generic , something like this : and i would be able to display each variable

Remove column matching 2 patterns with AWK

Multiple lists of Books with ISBN,TITLE,OBSERVATION and other with OBSERVATION,TITLE,ISBN, I want remove column OBSERVATION, print TITLE as 1st column and ISBN as 2nd as follow. Input: 123654 Cosmology Updated 35647 Medecine Revised 987456 Juriprudence Revised Updated Rhetorics 123456 Revised epistomolgy 654321 Ouput desired: Cosmolgy 123654 Medecine 35647 Rhetorics 123456 epistomolgy 654321 I tried this code found in SE and

Storing only part of output into shell variable

hi i am using a bash script. here i execute this code. This will return a output as Now i know how to store this entire output into a single variable and print it But i am not able to figure out how to store partial information into variable. Like if i want to store only TEST1 into the variable,
