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Tag: slurm

Slurm job arrays don’t work when used in argparse

I am trying to run multiple things at once (i.e. in a parallel manner) with different values of the variable –start_num. I have designed the following bash script, Then, I ran sbatch –exclude master array_bash_2, but it doesn’t work. I have tried searching many sites and have tried multiple things, but still the error error: argument –start_num: expected one

How to find from where a job is submitted in SLURM?

I submitted several jobs via SLURM to our school’s HPC cluster. Because the shell scripts all have the same name, so the job names appear exactly the same. It looks like How can I know from which directory a job is submitted so that I can differentiate the jobs? Answer You can use the scontrol command to see the job

Use Bash variable within SLURM sbatch script

I’m trying to obtain a value from another file and use this within a SLURM submission script. However, I get an error that the value is non-numerical, in other words, it is not being dereferenced. Here is the script: When I run this as a normal Bash shell script, it prints out the number of procs correctly and makes the
