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Tag: svn

Can’t connect to SVN from Subclipse in Linux

I’m trying connect to a SVN repository from Sublipse. I have followed this steps: Open SVN Repository Exploring perspective Select New > Repository Location… Enter repository url. Enter SVN access credentials The message Operation in progress… appears indefinitely The only thing that could suppose a problem is the proxy, but I don’t think so because: Eclipse is configured to use

Auto Update SVN after Commit and Export it to zip

Me and my friends are developing android Custom ROMS, the problem is we immediately update when there is something need to update. i use google code trunk to upload our custom roms for now and i need to zip it and upload it, is there is a way for a better proccess that our server automatically svn update when i

SVN post-commit update error (Can’t create temporary file from template / permission denied)

My post-commit hook is: /usr/bin/svn update /var/www/html/mysite/ –username myusername –password mypassword –no-auth-cache >> /var/www/html/mysite/foo.txt 2>&1 After performing a commit, my post-commit hook outputs to foo.txt the following: Updating ‘/var/www/html/mysite’: svn: E000013: Can’t create temporary file from template ‘/var/www/html/mysite/.svn/tmp/svn-XXXXXX’: Permission denied Any ideas?? Must be something related to permissions. It used to work, but something happened. Answer check if you have

subversion pre-commit hook error code 255

I added pre-commit hook script to the repository. It always gives below error while committing: I have already checked that my pre-commit script is having executable permission and its a bash script. is added in the beginning of the file. Even if I write in the beginning of the file, it is not allowing me to commit and giving the

SVN Update Crontab Linux

I am trying to figure out how to run a SSH command via cron for linux. The command I want to run is: Something like: Anyone know what I would need to do with the cron line? EDIT: I don’t need it to be SSH, just need to run svn update on the same server as cron to the working
