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Tag: terminal

Interractive plots Ipython 5.0.0 in the terminal

I run Ipthon in the terminal, in linux (not a jupyter notebook). In Ipython 2.4.1, the following commands opens a pop up interactive Tk plot window: In Ipython 5.0.0, when I use the same code: nothing appears. How do I get my poping up interractive plot in Iptyhon 5.0.0? Answer From your output with ipython using TkAgg i.e. tk (python-tk)

Bash: Using filenames as commands with the wildcard

I was playing around in my terminal earlier and discovered that I can execute single word commands (‘ls’,’cat’,’python2.7′,’exit’) by making a file or directory named the same thing as the command. However, I can’t execute ‘multi-word’ commands (‘rm -rf *’,’ls -a’, ‘python2.7’) (which also led me to discover that you can’t remove directories named ‘-rf’ with ‘rm -rf *’)

Closing then opening standard input in C under Linux

I have a C console application under Linux (Raspbian – Raspberry Pi). The program has some character animation – it prints out messages character by character. For example, the text Please give me your name! is printed out completely after 5 seconds (char by char). Afterwards, the user is asked to type in their name, which works just fine if

open a file in editor and then save it back by terminal on bash [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question

How to run linux without any DesktopEnvironment?

I have Manjaro installed on my system and for the Desktop Environment I have XFCE4 and for login manager LXDM everything works fine but when I try to change some of the lxdm-config option I can’t login to my user, the problem came from that I disable that option to shown the select session panel and after logout when I

Running Java from terminal : cannot find text files

I am using Java in Eclipse for file manipulation like editing, searching, etc. For instance I have two text files. One is “sales.txt” and the other is “employees.txt”. The user is supposed to input a beginning date and ending date as arguments. Then the program finds the dates that match and all between. From there it computes the commission for
