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Tag: terminal

Dedicated CoreNLP Server Control Issues

Question: How can I confirm whether or not my “Dedicated Server” is running properly? Background: I am working to get a ‘Dedicated CoreNLP Server’ running on a stand-alone Linux system. This system is a laptop running CentOS 7. This OS was chosen because the directions for a Dedicated CoreNLP Server specifically state that they apply to CentOS. I have followed

Copy numbered image files where number is less than X

I have a folder of 10,000 JPEg’s labeled 1.JPG to 10000.JPG. I want to copy all files that have a number less than (or greater than) X to another directory. What’s the best way to do this from the command line? Answer A simple brace expression would zap this, here I am guessing at your number range of course: More

How to log to file inside brackground “watch” command?

I trying to set a watch task running in background and printing to a log file, but when i use the command in background, the files is not written. This is the command that i’m using: then the terminal prints: i try to kill the process: so i want to see the log: But the file is empty ☹️. What

Trouble passing static string as REGEXP with csplit

I’m on a Linux terminal and struggling to split a large text file into several smaller files. I’m trying with csplit, but csplit demands that the delimiter pattern is passed as a REGEXP. The static delimiter pattern is , lorum ipsum. How do I write that as a REGEXP? After reading a bit, I would expect /’^, lorum ipsum$’/ to

Searching and selecting strings from a file

I have a trouble in separating few exact ‘fields’ with strings and then putting them into .txt file. I need to extract ‘nologin’ users from /etc/passwd file and that is an easy step. I’m using this command: cat command gives me for example: and it is saved to file1.txt Now I have to extract from file1.txt a number (2, 3,
