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Tag: text-processing

compare two excel sheet and print the difference?

I have two excel sheet (sheetA and sheetB) and I need to compare one column from sheetA with sheetB and print the difference. sheetA sheetB I need to compare “Account Number” with “Customer Number”. All account numbers from sheetA should be present in customer number in sheetB and if sheetB is missing any “account number” then we should print out

sed command to copy lines that have strings

I want to copy the line that have strings to another file for eg A file contain the below lines I want to copy the lines that has 100 or 200 to another file by skipping all the characters before (first occurrence in a line)100 or 200 I want it to copy 100 50 200 40 100 34 to another

Sed/awk: Aligning words in a file

I have a file with the following structure: I want to add another item to the file, using sed or awk: etc. So my next item looks like this: The column values is jagged. How do I align my values to the left like for previous items? I can see 2 solutions here: To align the values while inserting them

Storing awk manipulation in variable

I have two text files in tab delimted format like following. file_1 file_2 these two file contents were stored into two different variables. Now I would like extract the lines which has “+” symbol in column 4 and store it in the variable and later print it. But it throws me error message: Here is my code which I tried
