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The referenced column name has to be a primary key column on the target entity class

everyone. Happy new year! Today I am having problems trying to resolving this problem:

Could not resolve type of column “id_usuario” of class “FacturadorVirtualModelosSeguridadUsuario”

For some, this error is only present in linux enviroment. In windows, no problem. What the problem is exactly? Looks like PlanAdquirido is not finding the column id_usuario through the relationship $adquiridoPor. Again: this error is only triggered in linux enviroment.

Usuario entity:


namespace FacturadorVirtualModelosSeguridad;

use IlluminateContractsAuthAuthenticatable;

 * @entity
 * @table(name="usuarios")
class Usuario implements Authenticatable
     * @id
     * @var integer
     * @column(type="integer", name="id_usuario")
     * @generatedValue(strategy="AUTO")
    protected $id;

PlanAdquirido entity:


namespace FacturadorVirtualModelosPlanes;

use DoctrineCommonCollectionsArrayCollection;
use FacturadorVirtualModelosSeguridadUsuario;

 * @entity
 * @table(name="planes_adquiridos")
class PlanAdquirido
     * @id
     * @var integer
     * @column(type="integer", name="id_plan")
     * @GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
    protected $id;

     * @var Usuario
     * @ManyToOne(targetEntity="FacturadorVirtualModelosSeguridadUsuario")
     * @JoinColumn(name="adquirido_por", referencedColumnName="id_usuario")
    protected $adquiridoPor;


If I run "vendor/bin/doctrine.bat" orm:validate-schema in windows I get:

[OK] The mapping files are correct.

But in linux I get:

 [FAIL] The entity-class FacturadorVirtualModelosPlanesPlanAdquirido mapping is invalid:
 * The referenced column name 'id_plan' has to be a primary key column on the target entity class 'FacturadorVirtualModelosPlanesPlanAdquirido'.
 * The referenced column name 'id_usuario' has to be a primary key column on the target entity class 'FacturadorVirtualModelosSeguridadUsuario'.

Column name id_usuario referenced for relation from FacturadorVirtualModelosPlanesPlanAdquirido towards FacturadorVirtualModelosSeguridadUsuario does not exist.

I do not know if I am missing something, but have I have two days trying to figure out why is not working in linux (where production will reside).

  • Tables and column’s name are all in lower case, using MySQL 5.7



Today I found the answer. The problem was redi’s cache. Everytime the project was updated I ran the clear cache command:

"vendor/bin/doctrine" orm:clear-cache:metadata

I thought that this command already cleared the cache, but it did not. To clear the cache correcly just run:

$ redis-cli
> flushall

All works great now since then!

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