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Trickle error :- failed:connection refused

I have an Azure Iot Hub endpoint where I have to send some data (consider small strings). I want to set the speed of sending the data to that url and am using Trickle to achieve that.

I thought


will do the work, but it is showing

failed: Connection refused

Also tried like this:


But still getting the same error.

It will be very helpful if you guys kindly point out my mistake and give me a way to achieve this using trickle.



Azure IoT Hub grants access to endpoints by verifying a token against the shared access policies and identity registry security credentials. Azure IoT Hub supports MQTT, AMQP, and HTTPS, these supported protocols transports tokens in different ways.HTTPS implements authentication by including a valid token in the Authorization request header. If you want to access(send data) to Azure IoT Hub using REST API, an existing device need to be specified.Please try to execute the following command:


In the command,something need to be clarified.

  • generated SAS token for device: you can use Device Explorer to generate the token.Please refer to the step 2 in this article(Sending events to IOT Hub over HTTP via REST).
  • your data in json style:the data you want to send to IoT Hub. It is in JSON format.
  • your-iothub-host:You can get the hostname of IoT Hub in Azure Portal.This is the name when you created the IoT Hub.

When you executed the command successfully,there will be a response like:


and, IoT Hub will receive the message, you can monitor the events through Device Explorer.

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