the w command produces something like this:
01:19:02 up 53 days, 10:44, 15 users, load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.00 USER TTY FROM LOGIN@ IDLE JCPU PCPU WHAT higrheht pts/5 c-13-76-207-161. 23:21 2:05 0.07s 0.07s -bash sgergrgr pts/6 c-97-164-31-14.h 00:54 2.00s 0.04s 0.04s -bash jwegrgrng pts/14 c-23-71-12-251.h 22:48 8:03 0.07s 0.06s vim s2 hiqrefan pts/18 c-13-31-206-169. 23:19 0.00s 0.01s 0.01s -bash hqeffran pts/19 c-19-71-206-169. 23:19 1:58m 0.02s 0.02s -bash aqrgri pts/20 c-84-6-212-27.hs 23:21 0.00s 0.19s 0.17s -bash
I must get a sed script that prints the user with the longest idle time. But the problem is that w shows the idle time in 3 different formats: 1) in seconds: ending with an ‘s’, 2) mm:ss (not ending with ‘m’ or ‘s’), and 3) hh:mm (ending with ‘m’). So I need to somehow make a sed script that can work with that and I cannot seem to do it.
My attempt: have 2 variables that will first be set just to find out if the highest idle time is in form 1 or 2 or 3. That part is done. Then based on that I was gonna extract the text in that idle field and compare it with a variable and replace if longer time. But it has a letter at the end! so it can’t be compared as a number. It is a string. This is the problem.
BEGIN{view1=0 view3=0 userid="" idlemax=""} NR>2{ if($5 ~ /s$/) { view2=1 } if($5 ~ /m$/) { view3= 1 } }
The idle time is nothing more complicated than the last access time of the TTY device that the user is logged in from. So a simple way of doing this would be to grab all the names of the TTYs people are logged in on and stat
who -s | awk '{ print $2 }' | (cd /dev && xargs stat -c '%n %U %X')
On some systems, that will emit errors for login sessions such as X11 sessions which aren’t on real ttys.
If you want the age instead of the absolute time, post-process it to subtract it from the current time:
who -s | awk '{ print $2 }' | (cd /dev && xargs stat -c '%n %U %X') | awk '{ print $1"t"$2"t"'"$(date +%s)"'-$3 }'
Or use perl
‘s -A
who -s | perl -lane 'print "$F[1]t$F[0]t" . 86400 * -A "/dev/$F[1]"'
From here