I build a docker image which runs flask on an uWSGI server. I have a uwsgi.ini file with configuration. When I use
CMD ["uwsgi", "--ini", "uwsgi.ini"]
in the Dockerfile, everything works fine and the server runs, I can access my flask app via the browser. The only problem is that I cannot use the container’s bash while it’s running, as it is blocked by the uWSGI process. I found that appending an &
should make the uWSGI run in the background. However, when I use
CMD ["uwsgi", "--ini", "uwsgi.ini", "&"]
I get an error saying
unable to load configuration from &
I get that when I try this, the uWSGI thinks I’m passing another argument that it should process. However, I cannot find any way to tell it that it is not the case. Using docker run
with the -d
argument also only detaches the container from the current terminal on the host, but when I use docker attach
, I get a bash that I can’t do anything with.
Is there a way to tell uWSGI explicitly that I want it to run in the background? Am I missing something?
You can execute a command on your container by using the exec
9fb488c77d55 nginx "/docker-entrypoint.…" 18 minutes ago Up 18 minutes 80/tcp distracted_brown
so here I have an nginx container image running in a container called distracted_brown
. So I can ask the container to run a command using exec. In this case the command i want to run is the shell sh
. I also pass the -it
flag so i can run interactivly with STDIN and STDOUT
docker container exec -it distracted_brown sh
this will allow me shell access to the container where nginx is running as PID 1. As a side note you dont normally want to run your CMD process in the background as when PID 1 closes the container will close.