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VIM use system clipboard [closed]

So I’m a real noob to VIM and trying now again to get finally to the level of productivity.

One big problem I have with this editor is, that it uses a clipboard for itself, which I don’t understand why.

With VIM I have now 3 clipboards on my system, which is totally unnecessary from my point of view. The global clipboard with CTRL+x, CTRL+c and CTRL+v, the clipboard on mousebutton3 which pastes the last highlighted text and now the VIM clipboard I can use with y and p in VIM.

There are some threads about this topic, but the answers only confuse me more. So how do I accomplish, that VIM only uses the global clipboard and the clipboard on mousebutton3?

Some may say that I should use *, but that only goes through the lines and then outputs “search hit BOTTOM, continuing at TOP” at the bottom. Maybe I don’t understand the syntax and the answers suggest me to use a different keystroke before hitting *, but I have no clue about what I could be doing wrong.



Maybe I don’t understand…

Yes. That seems to be your problem.

Assuming you have a proper Vim installed and :echo has('clipboard') returns 1, you have direct access to your system’s two “clipboards” via their associated registers:

  • PRIMARY (middle mouse button), via "*,
  • CLIPBOARD (Ctrl+c, Ctrl+x, Ctrl+v), via "+.

You are supposed to press ", followed by * or +, followed by y or p.

If you want to yank something in Vim and paste it in another program with a click on your middle mouse button, use the * register:


If you selected something in another program and want to put it in Vim, use the * register:


If you want to yank something in Vim and paste it in another program with Ctrl+v, use the + register:


If you copied something in another program with Ctrl+c and want to put it in Vim, use the + register:


You can synchronize "* and "" (the register used by y and p by default) with this line in your vimrc:

set clipboard^=unnamed

If you want to synchronize "+ and "":

set clipboard^=unnamedplus

If you want to synchronize both:

set clipboard^=unnamed,unnamedplus

This should allow you to yank/put between programs without having to tell Vim what register to use.


:help registers
:help x11-selection
:help 'clipboard'
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