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want to sort my log file on this timestamp 2019-06-29T12:39:23.428Z using sort command but confused as there are multiple delimeter

This is the format of timestamp on which 2019-06-29T12:39:23.428Z I want to sort. But the year is delimited by - and the time is delimited by : and both year and time are separated my T'.

sort -t '-' -k1 -k2 -k3 -t ':' -k1 -k2 -k3 myLog2.txt

Tried this.



You can manually pick out each field to sort with -k

from man:

     -k, --key=KEYDEF
              sort via a key; KEYDEF gives location and type

So something like this should sort your output:

sort -k 1,4 -k 6,7 -k 9,10 -k 12,13 -k 15,16 -k 18,19 -k 21,23 <file>

However: a simple sort should solve your issue.

sort <file>