I search many data on web but I can’t find what does the “D: 148.500 MHz, H: 67.500 kHz, V: 60.000 Hz” means in the below example?
mode “1920×1080-60” # D: 148.500 MHz, H: 67.500 kHz, V: 60.000 Hz geometry 1920 1080 1920 3240 32 timings 6734 148 88 36 4 44 5 accel false rgba 8/16,8/8,8/0,0/0 endmode
Does parameter “V:” means the vertical fresh frequency? Does parameter “H:” means the horizontal fresh frequency?
Yes. That part of the file is just a sort of comment
D=Dot clock, or pixel rate
H=Horizontal, or scanline rate
V=Vertical, or frame rate
For the meanings of the other lines, see https://linux.die.net/man/5/fb.modes