I did this from the ~ directory.
I typed this command
sudo gedit .bashrc
then I appended these lines to the file and saved it.
#Adding flutter and android path export ANDROID= "$HOME/Public/Android" export FLUTTER= "$ANDROID/flutter" export PATH= "$PATH:$FLUTTER/bin"
Now when I open the terminal I get the following error:
bash: export: `/home/atul/Public/Android': not a valid identifier bash: export: `/flutter': not a valid identifier bash: export: `/home/atul/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/bin': not a valid identifier atul@mintMate:~$
Its good that I have fish installed else I wouldn’t have been able to use the terminal. Please help me solve this error.
You cannot have a space after the =
in your assignments. Change them to this.
export ANDROID="$HOME/Public/Android" export FLUTTER="$ANDROID/flutter" export PATH="$PATH:$FLUTTER/bin"