Assembly included. This weekend I tried to get my own small library running without any C libs and the thread local stuff is giving me problems. Below you can see I created a struct called Try1
(because it’s my first attempt!) If I set the thread local variable and use it, the code seems to execute fine. If I call a const method on Try1 with a global variable it seems to run fine. Now if I do both, it’s not fine. It segfaults despite me being able to access members and running the function with a global variable. The code will print Hello and Hello2 but not Hello3
I suspect the problem is the address of the variable. I tried using an if statement to print the first hello. if ((s64)&t1 > (s64)buf+1024*16)
It was true so it means the pointer isn’t where I thought it was. Also it isn’t -8 as gdb suggest (it’s a signed compare and I tried 0 instead of buf)
Assembly under the c++ code. First line is the first call to write
//clang++ or g++ -std=c++20 -g -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -fno-stack-protector -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -static -nostdlib test.cpp -march=native && ./a.out
#include <immintrin.h>
typedef unsigned long long int u64;
ssize_t my_write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t size) {
register int64_t rax __asm__ ("rax") = 1;
register int rdi __asm__ ("rdi") = fd;
register const void *rsi __asm__ ("rsi") = buf;
register size_t rdx __asm__ ("rdx") = size;
__asm__ __volatile__ (
: "+r" (rax)
: "r" (rdi), "r" (rsi), "r" (rdx)
: "cc", "rcx", "r11", "memory"
return rax;
void my_exit(int exit_status) {
register int64_t rax __asm__ ("rax") = 60;
register int rdi __asm__ ("rdi") = exit_status;
__asm__ __volatile__ (
: "+r" (rax)
: "r" (rdi)
: "cc", "rcx", "r11", "memory"
struct Try1
u64 val;
constexpr Try1() { val=0; }
u64 Get() const { return val; }
static char buf[1024*8]; //originally mmap but lets reduce code
static __thread u64 sanity_check;
static __thread Try1 t1;
static Try1 global;
extern "C"
int _start()
auto tls_size = 4096*2;
auto originalFS = _readfsbase_u64();
global.val = 1;
global.Get(); //Executes fine
t1.val = 7;
my_write(1, "Hellon", sanity_check);
my_write(1, "Hello2n", t1.val); //Still fine
my_write(1, "Hello3n", t1.Get()); //crash! :/
return 0;
4010b4: e8 47 ff ff ff call 401000 <_Z8my_writeiPKvm>
4010b9: 64 48 8b 04 25 f8 ff mov rax,QWORD PTR fs:0xfffffffffffffff8
4010c0: ff ff
4010c2: 48 89 c2 mov rdx,rax
4010c5: 48 8d 05 3b 0f 00 00 lea rax,[rip+0xf3b] # 402007 <_ZNK4Try13GetEv+0xeef>
4010cc: 48 89 c6 mov rsi,rax
4010cf: bf 01 00 00 00 mov edi,0x1
4010d4: e8 27 ff ff ff call 401000 <_Z8my_writeiPKvm>
4010d9: 64 48 8b 04 25 00 00 mov rax,QWORD PTR fs:0x0
4010e0: 00 00
4010e2: 48 05 f8 ff ff ff add rax,0xfffffffffffffff8
4010e8: 48 89 c7 mov rdi,rax
4010eb: e8 28 00 00 00 call 401118 <_ZNK4Try13GetEv>
4010f0: 48 89 c2 mov rdx,rax
4010f3: 48 8d 05 15 0f 00 00 lea rax,[rip+0xf15] # 40200f <_ZNK4Try13GetEv+0xef7>
4010fa: 48 89 c6 mov rsi,rax
4010fd: bf 01 00 00 00 mov edi,0x1
401102: e8 f9 fe ff ff call 401000 <_Z8my_writeiPKvm>
401107: bf 00 00 00 00 mov edi,0x0
40110c: e8 12 ff ff ff call 401023 <_Z7my_exiti>
401111: b8 00 00 00 00 mov eax,0x0
401116: c9 leave
401117: c3 ret
The ABI requires that fs:0
contains a pointer with the absolute address of the thread-local storage block, i.e. the value of fsbase
. The compiler needs access to this address to evaluate expressions like &t1
, which here it needs in order to compute the this
pointer to be passed to Try1::Get()
It’s tricky to recover this address on x86-64, since the TLS base address isn’t in a convenient general register, but in the hidden fsbase
. It isn’t feasible to execute rdfsbase
every time we need it (expensive instruction that may not be available) nor worse yet to call arch_prctl
, so the easiest solution is to ensure that it’s available in memory at a known address. See this past answer and sections 3.4.2 and 3.4.6 of “ELF Handling for Thread-Local Storage”, which is incorporated by reference into the x86-64 ABI.
In your disassembly at 0x4010d9
, you can see the compiler trying to load from address fs:0x0
into rax
, then adding -8 (the offset of t1
in the TLS block) and moving the result into rdi
as the hidden this
argument to Try1::Get()
. Obviously since you have zeros at fs:0
instead, the resulting pointer is invalid and you get a crash when Try1::Get()
reads val
, which is really this->val
I would write something like
void *fsbase = buf+4096;
*(void **)fsbase = fsbase;
(Or memcpy(fsbase, &fsbase, sizeof(void *))
might be more compliant with strict aliasing.)