I would like to create a table of min/avg/max ping data using a script.
The input would be a .txt of host names and their locations, the output should be a table of those names and their ip address and max, avg and min ping of the command ping -c 10 example.com
It would be something similar to this:
awk -F"time=" 'NR==2 || NR==3 || NR==4 {gsub(/ms/,X,$2);print $2}'
Your specs aren’t very clear, but I think this might be what you want…
Assuming that the list of host names is called hostlist
and the CSV file is pings.csv
try this:
while read -r h; do ping -c 10 $h; done<hostlist | awk 'BEGIN{printf "host,min,avg,maxn"} /PING/{host=$2}; $1=="rtt"{split($4,a,"/");printf "%s,%s,%s,%sn",host,a[1],a[2],a[3]}' > pings.csv
Read the host list line by line:
while read -r h; do ping -c 10 $h; done<hostlist
and ping each host ….
Pipe the entire output to awk.
Have awk
print a “header row”:
BEGIN{printf "host,min,avg,maxn"}
If a row of output matches PING save the hostname:
From the last row (my ping starts that line with rtt
) filter the times:
Then print the whole data:
printf "%s,%s,%s,%sn",host,a[1],a[2],a[3]}'
and redirect it to the CSV
> pings.csv
Caution: this doesn’t have ANY error handling at all.