I’m trying to produce a postscript file for an XML document. I can produce a plain text or an html output using xsltproc.
xsltproc --output output.txt xslFile.xsl input.xml
Is there a way to produce a postscript file from command line or programmatically using C?
One possibility to achieve this is converting the XML-file to XSL-FO
and then use Apache-FOP to transform it to a Postscript-file with
fop -xml input.xml -xsl xml2fo.xsl -ps output.ps
At the moment I couldn’t find a simple XSL-file on the net for this task, but this depends on what you like the output to look anyway. Creating a basic XSLT for this transformation should not be that hard.
EDIT: Just for completeness: possible output-formats of Apache-FOP
-pdf outfile input will be rendered as PDF (outfile req'd)
-pdfa1b outfile input will be rendered as PDF/A-1b compliant PDF
(outfile req'd, same as "-pdf outfile -pdfprofile PDF/A-1b")
-awt input will be displayed on screen
-rtf outfile input will be rendered as RTF (outfile req'd)
-pcl outfile input will be rendered as PCL (outfile req'd)
-ps outfile input will be rendered as PostScript (outfile req'd)
-afp outfile input will be rendered as AFP (outfile req'd)
-tiff outfile input will be rendered as TIFF (outfile req'd)
-png outfile input will be rendered as PNG (outfile req'd)
-txt outfile input will be rendered as plain text (outfile req'd)