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What could be the difference between an embedded serial read operation and a Desktop- PC

In an embedded Linux system, I am coding the project which tests serial port in a pyhsically loopback environment. It means I am connecting rx-tx.The peripheral output is RS-232

In order to test the port I am sending 1 byte then I read the sent byte. I repeat this cycle from 0x00 to 0XFF. I am using raw input type for UART.

It looks fine if I run my code on Linux-desktop PC.

However on my embedded Linux system, I can not read from RS-232 connection properly. At the end, I got read return zero.

What do you think about the possible problem?

I am checking my termios configuration referenced to the Serial Programming Guide for POSIX Operating Systems

         StatusResult  UartInterface::openComPort() {

           m_fileDesc = open(m_device.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY );

            if (m_fileDesc == -1) {
                retStatus.type = COMM_ERROR;
            return retStatus;

        void UartInterface::configureUART(){

                struct termios options;

                tcgetattr(m_fileDesc, &options);

                cfsetispeed(&options, B9600);
                cfsetospeed(&options, B9600);

                options.c_cflag |= (CLOCAL |CREAD);

                tcsetattr(m_fileDesc, TCSANOW, &options);

                options.c_cflag &= ~CSIZE;
                options.c_cflag |= CS8;
                options.c_cflag &= ~PARENB;
                options.c_cflag &= ~CSTOPB;
                options.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS;

                options.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO | ECHOE | ISIG);


                options.c_iflag &= (IXON | IXOFF | IXANY);


                options.c_oflag &= ~OPOST;


                options.c_cc[VMIN] = 0;
                options.c_cc[VTIME] = 10;

                tcsetattr(m_fileDesc, TCSANOW, &options);


Here is my main test loop

    std::cout<<"-----------UART DEBUG-------------n";

    while( int(write_data) < 255 ){
        n = write(m_fileDesc, &write_data, 1);
        if( n != 1) {
            std::cout << "UART write failed!n";
            return res;

        n = read(m_fileDesc, &read_data, 1);
        if ( n == 1){
            if(read_data != write_data) {
                std::cout << "UART mismatch error!t data_read:0x" << int(read_data)<<"   data write:0x"<<int(write_data)<< std::endl;
                //return res;

            std::cout<<std::hex<<"Byte: 0x"<<int(read_data) <<"  is OK!"<<std::endl;

        else {
            std::cout << "UART read failed! Res: "<<n<<"Errno"<< strerror(errno)<<std::endl;
            return res;
    (res) ? (std::cout<<"Uart interface test OK!"<<std::endl) : ((std::cout<<"UART FAILED!!"<<std::endl));
    return res;

Here is the output for embedded linux system.As you see read and write data are completely different. After an amount of repetation it ends with zero read?

    -----------UART DEBUG-------------
Byte: 0x0  is OK!
UART mismatch error!     data_read:0x0   data write:0x1
Byte: 0x0  is OK!
UART mismatch error!     data_read:0x0   data write:0x2
Byte: 0x0  is OK!
UART mismatch error!     data_read:0x0   data write:0x3
Byte: 0x0  is OK!
UART mismatch error!     data_read:0x0   data write:0x4
Byte: 0x0  is OK!
UART mismatch error!     data_read:0x0   data write:0x5
Byte: 0x0  is OK!
UART mismatch error!     data_read:0x0   data write:0x6
Byte: 0x0  is OK!
UART mismatch error!     data_read:0x0   data write:0x7
Byte: 0x0  is OK!
UART mismatch error!     data_read:0x0   data write:0x8
Byte: 0x0  is OK!
UART mismatch error!     data_read:0x0   data write:0x9
Byte: 0x0  is OK!
UART mismatch error!     data_read:0x1   data write:0xa
Byte: 0x1  is OK!
UART mismatch error!     data_read:0x2   data write:0xb
Byte: 0x2  is OK!
UART mismatch error!     data_read:0x3   data write:0xc
Byte: 0x3  is OK!
UART mismatch error!     data_read:0x4   data write:0xd
Byte: 0x4  is OK!
UART mismatch error!     data_read:0x5   data write:0xe
Byte: 0x5  is OK!
UART mismatch error!     data_read:0x6   data write:0xf
Byte: 0x6  is OK!
UART mismatch error!     data_read:0x7   data write:0x10
Byte: 0x7  is OK!
UART mismatch error!     data_read:0x8   data write:0x11
Byte: 0x8  is OK!
UART mismatch error!     data_read:0x9   data write:0x12
Byte: 0x9  is OK!
UART mismatch error!     data_read:0xa   data write:0x13
Byte: 0xa  is OK!
UART mismatch error!     data_read:0xb   data write:0x14
Byte: 0xb  is OK!
UART mismatch error!     data_read:0xc   data write:0x15
Byte: 0xc  is OK!
UART mismatch error!     data_read:0xd   data write:0x16
Byte: 0xd  is OK!
UART mismatch error!     data_read:0xe   data write:0x17
Byte: 0xe  is OK!
UART mismatch error!     data_read:0xf   data write:0x18
Byte: 0xf  is OK!
UART mismatch error!     data_read:0x10   data write:0x19
Byte: 0x10  is OK!
UART mismatch error!     data_read:0x12   data write:0x1a
Byte: 0x12  is OK!
UART read failed! Res: 0 Errno: No such file or directory



Solved the problem with 3 corrections:

First, I found a mistake about termios configuration. Here my hw. flow control must be closed and a Tildy looks missing.

 options.c_iflag &= (IXON | IXOFF | IXANY); //FALSE
 options.c_iflag &= ~(IXON | IXOFF | IXANY); //CORRECT

After all, it figured out read return with zero problem. I can complete my test data up to 255. However, read and write data still mismatch!

Second I cleared all the termios flags instead of reading from the system.This provides me independency from the operating environment.

Then I added the following 2 lines after tcsetattr() in order to flush first data. And sleep() is necessary because the ioctl syscall can’t find any data to flush unless you wait for a while.

//tcgettattr(m_fileDesc, &options); //Ignore default system data
memset(&options, 0, sizeof options);
tcsetattr(m_fileDesc, TCSANOW, &options);
tcflush(m_fileDesc, TCIOFLUSH);

sleep() looks like a workaround but I couldn’t find a better solution. Additionally, the following topics are very helpful. Clearing the serial port’s buffer

Serial port binary transfer changes carriage return

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