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Executing a shell script having docker | docker commands not found

I created a pipeline in Azure with Ubuntu 18.04. My requirement was to run a docker image using bash script and for the same below script was created but on execution I received an error “docker command does not exist and docker: invalid reference format.

echo "=== docker Images==="
docker images
echo "==== Starut running a jmeter/image ===="
docker run "justb4/jmeter:latest"
echo "==== Finish ===="


Starting: Bash Script scripts/
Task         : Bash
Description  : Run a Bash script on macOS, Linux, or Windows
Version      : 3.163.2
Author       : Microsoft Corporation
Help         :
Generating script.
Formatted command: bash '/home/vsts/work/1/s/scripts/' 'justb4/jmeter:latest' mainTest.jmx qa-url 30 1 60 15 2 60 1000
========================== Starting Command Output ===========================
/bin/bash --noprofile --norc /home/vsts/work/_temp/
=== docker Images===
docker: 'images
' is not a docker command.
See 'docker --help'
==== Starut running a jmeter/image ====
docker: invalid reference format.
See 'docker run --help'.
==== Finish ====

Finishing: Bash Script scripts/

To describe in detail, here are the tasks created on az pipeline :-

1. Install a docker

enter image description here

Output of Task1

enter image description here

2. Just for debugging purpose, I added below bash task **with inline commands** to see if docker 

commands work and it worked perfectly fine with no issues. But in task3, when I tried to execute the scripts with the same commands it failed.

enter image description here

Output of Task2

enter image description here

3. Task 3 to execute script having docker commands

enter image description here

Output of Task3 enter image description here



The problem was with Windows or DOS-style line endings but while executing in Azure pipeline it did not throw the actual error. Later it was understood that each line was being terminated with a Carriage Return followed by a Line Feed character. If a script file was saved with Windows line endings, Bash sees the file as

#!/bin/bash^M ^M cd “src”^M

having a special character at the end.

Try running dos2unix on the script solved the problem.

Or just rewrite the script in your Unix env using vi and test.

Unix uses different line endings so can’t read the file you created on Windows. Hence it is seeing ^M as an illegal character.

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