I want to use dlib library for my c++ projects in linux. I have installed it successfully and able to compile and run the .cpp samples files given under the dlib. I have compiled the sample files through the
“g++ -std=c++11 -O3 -I.. ../dlib/all/source.cpp -lpthread -lX11 example_program_name.cpp” given in [http://dlib.net/compile.html][1]
but I am unable to use the same command to run .cpp files which are the outside dlib-18.18/examples directory
Can someone help me out with compiling c++ file (with dlib library usage) from any user directory in linux?
I came to know that we have to include the path of dlib installation folder while trying to compile it from any other user directory. So I tried the command
” g++ -O3 -I/home/praneeth/computervision/.. ../dlib/all/source.cpp -lpthread -lX11 project3_face.cpp -o project_face pkg-config --cflags opencv
pkg-config --libs opencv
but it gave me the result: g++: error: ../dlib/all/source.cpp: No such file or directory
Note: dlib-18.18 folder is present in my /home/praneeth/computervision/
I don’t know how correct is this but it got compiled when I ran the command like: g++ -O3 -I/home/praneeth/computervision/dlib-18.18 /home/praneeth/computervision/dlib-18.18/dlib/all/source.cpp -lpthread -lX11 project3_face.cpp -o project_face pkg-config --cflags opencv pkg-config --libs opencv
any comments on this regarding why this works?