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Tag: opencv

“/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -llibopencv_calib3d” when compiling an opencv project in Ubuntu 20.04

I have installed opencv in Ubuntu 20.04 following the instructions in OpenCV Installation in Linux. As per the instructions, sudo make install copies all the .so files to /usr/local/lib. However, when compiling a program, using the command g++ –std c++17 -g opencv/Basic.cpp -o output -I/usr/local/include/opencv4 -L/usr/local/lib/ -llibopencv_calib3d -llibopencv_core -llibopencv_dnn -llibopencv_features2d -llibopencv_flann -llibopencv_highgui -llibopencv_imgcodecs -llibopencv_imgproc -llibopencv_ml -llibopencv_objdetect -llibopencv_photo -llibopencv_stitching -llibopencv_video -llibopencv_videoio

OpenCV 2.4.11 Compilation For ROS ORB_SLAM2 Fails

I am trying to get orb_slam2_ros to compile and it needed an OpenCV version higher than 2.3. I have 4.2.0 but it doesn’t work but according to ROS, it has been tested to work on 2.4.11. Here is what I did: Download the source zip file. Extract it. Go into the directory and create a build folder. Go into the

install opencv on centos for java

I’m trying to install opencv on my centos 8 server to be used by java program. I followed the instructions here. after configuring opencv, I get the following result: I have already installed java on my server (by using sudo dnf install java-11-openjdk-devel, but I have not installed ant). in order to make opencv ready to be used by java,

OpenCV with Python and Java support using cmake command line

I am trying to install latest OpenCV from here: on my Ubuntu 20.04. I need python and java support. I have installed a lot of per-requisites and used this cmake command to configure the build using the command line: The output was this: I see that cmake finds my python 2 and python 3 versions, finds also my java

Receive RTP stream with gstreamer

I’m trying to stream from a linux-based microcontroller, using gstreamer, to a python script. This is to workaround some firmware issues on the microcontroller where it cannot open the camera directly with opencv/python. The launch output command looks like this for gstreamer: My question is, what would the “receive” command look like? Currently it’s using this: But that throws the

Saliency Model – BMS (having error setting up)

I have downloaded a saliency model called BMS “Exploiting Surroundedness for Saliency Detection: A Boolean Map Approach” from here – available online. The code has been implemented and tested on Windows. I am trying to set up on my machine (Linux Mint), by reading the instructions given inside the package in the file “readme.txt”. The file says that: Put the

OpenCV different results on Windows and Linux

I’m writing a cross-platform wrapper for OpenCV on rust. And I wrote several tests to check that my wrapper is working correctly. Some tests are passing, some tests are failing with slightly different values, but one test has completely different results. Right number is what I get on windows, left – on linux I tried to reproduce code from this

How to compile opencv with gtk 2.x rather than gtk3.x

I’m using tensorflow 1.4 & qt in ubuntu 16.04. The problem is when I include tensorflow(version: 1.4) and opencv (version: 3.2.0) simultaneously, protobuf is conflicted. The error msg is as follows: [libprotobuf FATAL external/protobuf_archive/src/google/protobuf/stubs/] This program was compiled against version 2.6.1 of the Protocol Buffer runtime library, which is not compatible with the installed version (3.4.0). Contact the program author

pip freeze doesn’t show opencv in Linux/Mint

I’ve installed OpenCV on Linux Mint and I can import it in python But when I want to see it in pip freeze, it doesn’t appear: Also, I tried to import it via PyCharm’s Project Interpreter. It wants to installation with pip. (pip install opencv-python and pip install cv2) When I installed that, I followed these steps What is the
