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Tag: opencv

OpenCV 3.1 Upgrade Leads to Linker Errors on Linux

I’ve recently upgraded from OpenCV 2.4.11 to OpenCV 3.1 by following this guide. This sudo make install seems to have worked successfully and when I run pkg-config –modversion opencv, I get the appropriate version (3.1.0). But for some reason, I am now running into linker errors, and even simple programs are unable to compile, for example: returns the errors: main.cpp:-1:

Raspberry PI remote debug GTK error

I’m using NetBeans IDE 8.0.2 on my Win7 machine to develop Raspberry Pi opencv C++ application. I’m building & debugging the application remotely on the Raspberry Pi from my Win7 machine. At run time the application fails with “Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:” error when reaches the line: When I’m running the exact same application from the Raspberry Pi and

0 NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME cannot be resolved or is not a field with Linux + Eclipse + Java

I get an error on Core.NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME like so: Stacktrace: I had settled the NativLibrary path at the following location. /home/…/OpenCV/opencv-2.4.5/build/lib I had followed the instruction on but it doesn’t creates any opencv2.4.9.jar file I am working on ubuntu 12 and eclipse with opencv api suppoert. so help me if you can to generating and building the jar file in

Basler Pylon 4 SDK and OPENCV 2.4.8, Linux simple viewer

I am developing a simple camera viewer to test Basler camera acA1300-30gc. I am working in Ubuntu 14.04 with Basler Pylon 4 and OPENCV version 2.4.8 because I am going to develop a machine vision application and I need to analyze frames on the fly. Based on OpenCV Display Image Tutorial, Sample Code in Pylon Documentation and this similar question

opencv installation ffmpeg error

I have been trying to install opencv for a long time in my fedora 20 32 bit system.I followed the instructions from But after all cmake commands when I m trying to make it I am getting an error again and again. I have followed so many articles about the ffmpeg versions and updating stuff but did understand a
