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Tag: linker-errors

Linker can’t find Lua library definition

So, I’m relatively new to C++ and I’ve been trying to run Lua files in my C++ project. To start off things, I ran this simple code: And the terminal command looks like this: Edit: Corrected to this Lua libraries are installed on my system (Linux), but the linker can’t find the definition for luaL_newstate(), despite the fact that I

DMD2 fails to compile shared library on Linux, amd64

I’ve been programming on a 32 bit machine, until recently, I upgraded to a 64 bit one. I’m using the latest version of DMD (amd64), on xubuntu 16.04 (amd64). Before the upgrade, I could easily compile shared libs using dmd -shared ‘FILES’, but now, it gives an error. I have a file named q.d: And now when I do dmd

OpenCV 3.1 Upgrade Leads to Linker Errors on Linux

I’ve recently upgraded from OpenCV 2.4.11 to OpenCV 3.1 by following this guide. This sudo make install seems to have worked successfully and when I run pkg-config –modversion opencv, I get the appropriate version (3.1.0). But for some reason, I am now running into linker errors, and even simple programs are unable to compile, for example: returns the errors: main.cpp:-1:
