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Tag: d

DMD2 fails to compile shared library on Linux, amd64

I’ve been programming on a 32 bit machine, until recently, I upgraded to a 64 bit one. I’m using the latest version of DMD (amd64), on xubuntu 16.04 (amd64). Before the upgrade, I could easily compile shared libs using dmd -shared ‘FILES’, but now, it gives an error. I have a file named q.d: And now when I do dmd

Compiling for 32 bit on a 64 bit DMD

I am using xubuntu 16.04 amd64, and use the D Language. I used to use DMD i386 on a 32 bit machine (ubuntu 14.04), but now, for some reason, I can’t (or don’t want to) install DMD_i386 on my system, so I installed the one for amd64. All of my projects were written on a 32 bit machine, and I

How to use gtkd on linux

I am trying to compile a hello world program using the gtkd library. I am using the dmd compiler (installed into my ~/ directory) and I have already checked that the compiler works flawlessly. Just in case, here is my source code: The pragmas are commented out, because (if I understand this correctly) they do nothing more than the -L-l
