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Tag: ros

ROS Noetic setup: /etc/ros/noetic/setup.bash not created

I am attempting to set up ROS noetic for Linux Mint 20. However, “sudo apt search ros-noetic” does not return anything. I ran the most similar package I could find, “ros-desktop-full,” and followed the rest of the wiki’s installation instructions from there, but can’t figure out how to finish environment setup, since /etc/ros/noetic/setup.bash was not created. sudo find / -name

OpenCV 2.4.11 Compilation For ROS ORB_SLAM2 Fails

I am trying to get orb_slam2_ros to compile and it needed an OpenCV version higher than 2.3. I have 4.2.0 but it doesn’t work but according to ROS, it has been tested to work on 2.4.11. Here is what I did: Download the source zip file. Extract it. Go into the directory and create a build folder. Go into the

ROS rqt_graph does not launch anymore (ImportError DEFAULT_MASTER_PORT)

Recently I installed the offline simulator from Universal Robots, and the turned out to remove my entire ROS install. Fine. I re-installed it following the official guide, and now rqt_graph does not work: (roscore is running in another terminal) I tried sudo apt install ros-melodic-rqt and sudo apt-get install python-rosgraph, but the error persists. I dug and found out

ROS-Indigo Collada DOM installation dependency on libpcrecpp package cannot detect installed libpcrecpp package

I am trying to build ROS (Robot Operating System) Indigo on Debian 8. I’m running Debian 8 on Oracle VirtualBox (the 64-bit PC netinst ISO, found at I am following this set of instructions: Performing each instruction step-by-step, a problem arises when I attempt to install collada-dom-dev. First, when I did cmake ., it gives several warnings about

Parsing error: Unexpected token .. when using eslint

I’m fairly new to the linux webapp development scheme but there was a readme attached with the project that the previous team left me. It said I have to call sudo npm install bower install grunt build/grunt server. firstly, my bower.json is empty with the exception of and secondly when I call grunt build I get the error error Parsing
