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Tag: gruntjs

Parsing error: Unexpected token .. when using eslint

I’m fairly new to the linux webapp development scheme but there was a readme attached with the project that the previous team left me. It said I have to call sudo npm install bower install grunt build/grunt server. firstly, my bower.json is empty with the exception of and secondly when I call grunt build I get the error error Parsing

Bash error “command not found” running a command stored in var

Context: I want to run a command stored in a variable in bash. My bash file: Problem: When I run this bash file, the grunt sass command throws an error: line 25: $’E[4mRunning’ : command not found Whole return of my bash: Investigation: The commands echo “$(docker exec compose_custom-node_1 ls -l)” and echo “$($LS -l)” seem to work, but

Why does grunt not work when installed globally?

I have installed grunt and grunt-cli globally using sudo npm install -g grunt… commands. My working folder is `/opt/web’, please don’t ask why 🙂 Checking grunt version inside `/opt/web’ works: However, I can’t actually run a grunt task from there: If I install grunt locally, it then asks to install all it’s dependencies locally (that are already installed globally (!)).
