Trying to setup an Unattended install of ArangoDB in a Vangrant Ubuntu box. I’ve followed the Unattended install instructions here:
However, this accounts for the password prompts, but not for the database upgrade and backup database files prompts. How does one go about silencing these?
Ok I figured this out. Basically you need to use a the following command:
sudo debconf-get-selections | grep arangodb3
If you get a “debconf-get-selections command not found error” then you need to install the debconf-utils package like so:
JavaScriptsudo apt-get install -y debconf-utils
This will spit out a list like this:
arangodb3 arangodb3/password password
arangodb3 arangodb3/password_again password
arangodb3 arangodb3/backup boolean false
arangodb3 arangodb3/password_mismatch error
arangodb3 arangodb3/upgrade boolean true
These are all the keys and types you’ll need to set up an unattended install. When I say key and type I’m referring to:
package/key type
arangodb3/backup boolean
In the example above the package is arangodb3, the key is backup, and the type is boolean. Then in your setup script you need to include it like so with your chosen values:
echo arangodb3 arangodb3/backup boolean false | debconf-set-selections
echo arangodb3 arangodb3/upgrade boolean true | debconf-set-selections