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Building Poco with Custom OpenSSL

I need to build Poco using the OpenSSL that I built from source, rather than the one installed by Ubuntu’s apt. Let’s say my OpenSSL root is in /opt/openssl/1.0.2. Do I need to set environment variables, or pass parameters to the configure or make steps? I’m not finding any info in the docs, or anywhere else, on how to do this.

Due to other constraints, I am also limited to Poco 1.7.7, if it matters.



You can use --include-path and --library-path with configure to set the search paths so that your custom OpenSSL library will be found, e.g.:

./configure --include-path=/opt/openssl/1.0.2/include --library-path=/opt/openssl/1.0.2/lib

You can also create a custom build configuration file (see build/config directory for existing configurations) or change an existing one and modify the compiler and linker flags to add the search paths.
