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Tag: openssl

How to use OpenSSL command line to operate(signature, for example) after loading OpenSSL engine?

I wrote a self-defined OpenSSL engine and engine tester in ubuntu 20.4. And the OpenSSL version is 1.1.1. The goal is to use engine in TLS session, and the first step is to use command line to sign a digest. The reference website is: But the tester use the engine by calling the function, like ECDSA_sign and ECDSA_verify in

Invoke-WebRequest Always Fails For HTTPS. The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure

I’m trying to use Invoke-WebRequest inside of pwsh (on Linux), but it’s always failing. Here’s an example: The site/URL doesn’t matter, if it’s using HTTPS I’ll get the error. The exact same script on a Windows machine works without issue. $PSVersionTable dotnet –version 3.1.403 openssl version OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013 I know it’s possible to disable SSL validation on

How to solve the handshake failure using ssl in python?

I try connect to specific https server: But the python says: I try using TLS1: But says: Have a upgraded ssl in python and operative system: From netcat can connect without problems: What is the problem and how to solve this? Answer From the documentation: Since Python 3.2 and 2.7.9, it is recommended to use the SSLContext.wrap_socket() of an SSLContext

Building Poco with Custom OpenSSL

I need to build Poco using the OpenSSL that I built from source, rather than the one installed by Ubuntu’s apt. Let’s say my OpenSSL root is in /opt/openssl/1.0.2. Do I need to set environment variables, or pass parameters to the configure or make steps? I’m not finding any info in the docs, or anywhere else, on how to do

Upgrade openssl on Linode server but how to decide ‘ENGINESDIR’

On Linode Server, it has already installed openssl, but version is 1.1.0. But I want to try some features like TLSv1_3, so I decide to upgrade it to latest version. My old openssl version like this: Due to it is “upgrade”, so I try to retain as original as possible. Through some website I made this ./config command. It’s long,

Are BIGNUM BN_ functions deprecated in openssl 1.1?

I was compiling some ‘C’ code that uses openssl under Fedora 27 (version 1.1.0g-1). I made some needed changes (from the 1.0.2 version of my code) and things now compile o.k. again. I then tried to compile with the option “OPENSSL_API_COMPAT=0x10100000L” which I understand causes the compiler to not include APIs deprecated in openssl version 1.1. Now, my code won’t

How to uninstall RPM without dependencies error in cent os?

I installed the openssl rpm some long days ago. After that i am unable to uninstall the rpm so that i deleted the /usr/bin/openssl folder manually.Though I deleted it manually, when i grep using this command rpm -qa openssl i can find the rpm. But when i execute the openssl command in terminal it is showing bash: openssl: command not
